Disk Questions

Explanation of Knitting Machine Disks

The following DOES NOT APPLY to CD 41 - Designing 101 and CD 43 - Garter Bar Video, those are not programmed the same as the fairisle designs to be used in the knitting machine.  Need more information about CD 41 and CD 43 click here.

The Knitting Machine Disks contain the designs that are printed in each specific book. Some of them will contain fairisle, lace or G-carriage designs depending on which book they are for. Using the Disks make it easier, you don't have to program the designs in stitch by stitch to knit them. The Book that the Disk goes with does include a printed graph of the designs so you can hand input it into your machine if you like.

Note: The garment directions and sizes are not on the Disks.
**Not all Disk Formats are available for all Books**

Disks are available in different formats.  If you have the...
Brother KH 930/Knitking Comp III (3.5" Floppy Disk)
Can be used on all machines KH 930 and newer with knitting machine disk drive.
930 or
Brother KH 940/Knitking Comp IV (3.5" Floppy Disk)
Can be used on all machines KH 940 and newer with knitting machine disk drive.
940 or
Brother KH 965i/Knitking Vcx (3.5" Floppy Disk)
Can be used on all machines KH 940 and newer with knitting machine disk drive.
940 or
Brother KH 970/Knitking V Star (3.5" Floppy Disk)
Can be used on all machines KH 940 and newer with knitting machine disk drive.
940 or
DesignaKnit (DAK) Computer Program (CD and this is a .pat format)
Can be used with an IBM computer with the DesignaKnit program and a CD drive, then used with any electronic knitting machine.