Machine Knitting Seminars & Workshops

Seminars & Workshops Sandee's Kwik Knit Workshop Instructor Photo

Sandee Cherry -- 43 years as a Machine Knitting Author and Instructor.  My personal teaching goal is... after you have attended a Seminar or Workshop you will walk away so inspired you can't wait to go home and start knitting!

Below is a list to help everyone find Knitting Machine Seminars & Workshops Worldwide.  If you would like information e-mail or call the contact person below. Check this page often, we add locations as they are confirmed.

Click here to read more and request Sandee's classes and information if your group would like to sponsor a Seminar or Workshop.

If you would like your Seminar/Workshop listed below free of charge (this list does not include Monthly Knit Clubs) please email us or use our Contact Form.

Seminar & Workshop Dates and Locations

sample photo sample photo

During these uncertain times the update to this page will still be done differently. I have transferred all of the names and the information from the seminar list that were scheduled before the pandemic…  When I am notified with future confirmed dates they will be added below.

I am doing it this way so you have a way of personally contacting any seminar/workshop group on the list to see what they might be planning. Some are having Zoom classes which could also be an option for you.

Ongoing -  I have personally canceled all of my seminars and workshops that I was to teach until further notice. This doesn’t mean seminars and workshops being taught by other demonstrators will be canceled, this is just my choice.  You can contact any of the seminars and workshops from the list below for more information.

As we all know, at seminars and workshops people sit close together and continually touch garments, samples and books that others have handled which isn't safe right now. That being said... I'm very sorry but I feel like this is the best decision for everyone involved.  I will miss seeing everyone but safety and your health is by far more important to me and not worth the risk. I hope you all will be understanding of my decision.

Love and Prayers to All--Sandee

Location Name Contact
Zoom Classes Techknitters MK Club, Burr Ridge, IL USA Mary Slattery
Princeton, MN USA Purls of Joy
Cindy Schmatz

Pigeon Forge, TN USA Tennessee Valley Machine Knitters Spring Seminar Myra Heintz  or 
Margie Davis

Monroe, MI USA DAK Hands-on Workshop and Monroe Seminar
Cathy Reaume

Waynesboro, PA USA Knitting Cottage Seminar
Knitting Cottage

  Denver, CO USA Generic Knitters Seminar
Barbara Silliman

Saint Cloud, MN USA September Seminar Carole's Country Knits
J. Wurst

  • Seminar & Workshop Tips:


    Knitting Machine Seminar, Sandee Cherry Instructor

    • Looking forward to teaching for many of you at a Seminar or Workshop in the near future!

    • Seminar and workshop days are fun but long... following are some tips to help you through the day.

  • Seminar & Workshop Tips:

    Machine Knitting Workshop, Sandee's Kwik Knit


    • Use address labels to mark purchases in case they are lost.
    • Use address labels if something needs to be shipped.

  • Seminar & Workshop Tips:

    Sandee Cherry Instructor Knitting Machine Seminars and Workshops


    • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
    • Bring a light bag to carry purchases.

  • Seminar & Workshop Tips:

    Sandee's Kwik Knit Teaching Machine KNit Seminars


    • Bring a few snacks, apple, trail mix, nuts or something that will boost energy.

  • Seminar & Workshop Tips:

    Sandra Cherry Sandee's Kwik Knit Knitting Machine Seminars and Workshops


    • Check the website of each of the instructors. Print their order form, then take inventory of the books that you own so you don't double purchase.